What is Moray Claims?
Grigor & Young LLP trades as Moray Claims for personal injury compensation claim services.
Our specialist solicitors have accredited expertise in this area of law.
We think it’s also beneficial to you to be able to deal with someone local to you.
You don’t have to pay us anything if your claim is unsuccessful, which is a commonly-found type of arrangement.
Where we think we differ from the norm is that we try not only to maximise the top line value of your claim but also reduce the amount and number of charges coming off the bottom; in other words, reducing the cost to you of our legal service in the event that your claim is successful.
Ideally, we do this in a way which means that our services end up being free of charge and you keep all your compensation.
This is quite a contrast from a typical no win-no fee arrangement, which will often mean you losing up to 20% of your compensation to pay costs.
If you wonder how that is possible, please see this article on our Moray Claims website.
The Moray Claims Blog has been running since 2012 and we have now published over 100 articles on personal-injury-related topics.
The most popular Moray Claims blogs of 2014
In this post, we count down the Top 10 Blogs on Moray Claims during 2014, measured by the number of page views each has achieved (from lowest to highest).
10) Pavement Tripping Accidents (Maximising Your Claim’s Chances)
Falls due to trips on defective pavements, roadways and footpaths are not generally straightforward claims.
This article explains the “self-help” evidence you need to try and get as soon as possible and it contains several illustrative photographs to assist with the explanation of the concepts.
9) You Didn’t Wear A Seatbelt: Can You Still Claim?
This article explains how failure to wear a seatbelt may well reduce the amount of compensation you receive due to “contributory negligence”.
However, it won’t extinguish your claim (so, yes, you can still claim) and, with the help of a specialist solicitor, you will maximise your chances of avoiding any reduction at all.
8) Occupier’s Liability, Landlords and Tenants
Claims for personal injury suffered on premises owned or occupied by someone else who has “control” have some similarities with the claims at 10) above and also some important differences.
7) What Can I Claim Personal Injury Compensation For?
A post summarising the most commonly-found heads of claim within a personal injury claim for compensation.
6) After the Event Insurance (Crucial for No Win-No Fee Personal Injury Claims)
There are other options as well, but the bottom line is that you can’t embark on a no win-no fee claim without some sort of back-up insurance element to cover you in the event that things go wrong, you lose your case and you need some means of paying the costs of your opponent – which will almost certainly be awarded against you …
5) How Much Compensation Will You Get For a Whiplash Injury?
Whiplash injuries to the neck and spine are a common result of road traffic accidents, in particular, and this post explains how the injury element is valued, depending on the severity of the initial injury and the length of time the symptoms last.
4) How Much Does a Personal Injury Claim Cost?
Here, we get into some of the “hidden” costs alluded to in the preamble to this article.
Make sure you understand what costs you are going to have to pay – and how they will be calculated – before you commit yourself to proceeding with your claim through a particular claims company or firm of solicitors.
It could make a big difference to how much money you actually receive at the end of the claim. The examples here are quite startling.
3) Maximising Your Personal Injury Claim’s Value
Into the Top 3 and it’s not surprising that this would be a popular topic. We explain the significance of 5 factors and their influence in maximising – or reducing – the value of your claim.
2) How A Minute of Tender Can Destroy Your Personal Injury Claim
This is a technical subject which rears its head in situations where a court action has been raised to pursue your personal injury claim. Insurers and their solicitors are experienced in the art of tendering and you and your solicitor need to be alive to the dangers posed by a cleverly-pitched offer to settle your claim in the form of a Minute of Tender.
1) 100 Moray Claims Blogs – A Round-Up
The list post produced as a celebration of the 100th blog on Moray Claims proved to be the most-viewed post of the year – probably because it covered a wide range of topics from FAQs to funding, to accident types, to light-hearted issues, to technicalities, and pitfalls, and Donoghue –v- Stevenson.
How we can help
If you live in Moray or had your accident in Moray, we think we are best-placed to offer you the best chance for an optimum outcome based on our experience, expertise, location and value-proposition – our uniqueness.
If you have any questions about a possible or current personal injury claim, feel free to contact us for a chat.
All initial enquiries are free of charge and without obligation.
Call Marie or Peter on 01343 544077 or send us a Free Online Enquiry.