About Grigor & Young LLP
Established over 195 years ago, we are the largest firm of Solicitors and Estate Agents – based in Elgin and Forres – serving the population of Moray.
As a firm we have several Specialists in Agricultural Law, Licensing, Family Law, Reparation Claims (Accidents and Injuries), and have many years experience in nearly every other field of Law.
The Forres branch of Grigor & Young LLP was formerly the long-established firm, Mackenzie & Grant. The business was acquired by Grigor & Young in 2002 and continued to trade under the Mackenzie & Grant name until 2012, when it changed to Grigor & Young.
From 01 April 2018, Grigor & Young is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).
You can find a brief history of Grigor & Young by clicking here.
Related businesses

We have a number of businesses trading from our Elgin premises.
Moray Property Searchers Ltd assists solicitors involved in the house buying and selling process.
Moray Claims is the trading name of Grigor & Young LLP for our personal injury compensation service. The Moray Claims website has a wealth of information and articles about personal injury claims in Scotland.
Marie Morrison and Peter Brash are both Accredited by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) as Senior Litigators.
In addition, Peter holds accreditation from the Law Society of Scotland as a Specialist in Personal Injury Law. The Elgin branch of Grigor & Young LLP has corporate accreditation from APIL. This gives the firm an unusually high level of expertise in the field of Accidents and Injuries for its size.
Office locations
Both our offices are centrally located, with Car Parking nearby and with Meeting Rooms downstairs, making access easy for the elderly and infirm.
There is on-street disabled parking directly outside our Elgin office, which also has a Portable Hearing Loop machine. A separate article on this website contains more information about these ease-of-access and “sensory” facilities.
You can find our Contact Details and Office Location Maps HERE.
Opening hours
The office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9 a.m to 4.00 p.m on Friday, and during office hours, or even outwith office hours, home visits are possible.